About Us

Loreauville Volunteer Fire Department is an all-volunteer department and is the only municipality in Iberia parish that has no paid staff. We serve the approximately 650 village residents and the surrounding area of Iberia Parish and have done so since October 25, 1975. We currently operate two Engines and one service truck which are used to respond to all types of emergencies. LVFD prides itself on community service which brings about our motto "Putting the Community First." Our members come from many different backgrounds such as agriculture, education, emergency services, and industrial. Each of us brings a different perspective and unique knowledge to the department.

LVFD's History

On October 25, 1975, the Loreauville Volunteer Fire Department was officially incorporated marking the beginning of our current journey. There is little known about the department prior to that other than there was a group of people who would respond to fires. The picture to the left shows the old fire station which still stands on Bridge St. next to the Acadian Monument. This picture taken in 1968 stands as proof that the department, in some fashion, existed then and presumably even before that. The other picture shown is of Mayor Forbus Mestayer who served as Mayor from 1955-1980 and then again from 1984-2004. During this tenure, he is credited with building the original fire station and assisting with the creation of the fire department itself. Both pictures include captions originally generated by the Village of Loreauville website while it was in operation. Further history of LVFD is currently being researched and any help to preserve our department's history and tradition is greatly welcome.